If you’re into exercise and nutrition, you may have heard the phrase ‘abs are made in the kitchen’. I couldn’t agree more with this!

I often see people in the mat area of gyms spending lots of time on crunches, sit ups planks and ab work.  Whilst this is fab, and yes you will strengthen the abdomen up, lots of people question why they still have no six pack despite all this effort.

We all have abs, even if you cannot see them, they are there. For some it’s easier to see definition than others, and that’s ok because believe me there’s more to life than a 6 pack! But if you’re really struggling to see differences in that mid area despite doing 1000s of crunches daily it’s most likely down to what you’re eating, lack of functional heart rate training and lack of movement.

4 things to really look at for ab definition and dropping body fat

  1. Calorie Control.

If you’re consuming more than your body needs, you will be storing more body fat. Any excess calories will be turned into fat and your middle is a fab place for it to be stored unfortunately.

  1. Training

Ensure you are doing some functional training, hitting some high heart rate work. This is something that I swear by – movement, lifting bigger, moving stronger. If you’re moving faster and stronger you will most definitely improve your core, abs and ability to move. High heart rate burns lots of calories and burning calories raises that metabolism. Ensure you’re moving with short sharp bursts and make sure you don’t push that heart rate too high for too long. This can go against that fat loss goal and you can stimulate stress hormones.

  1. Plenty of water. Limit caffeine and sugar.

When you’re in a state of stress your body craves sugar.  If you’re drinking lots of coffee then caffeine can raise stress levels. Ensure you have no more 2-3 cups of coffee each day.

  1. Sleep

If you are sleep deprived you will be in a state of stress. Cortisol should be high in the morning and lower typically at night. So, what is Cortisol? Think of it as nature’s built-in alarm system. It’s your body’s main stress hormone. It works with certain parts of your brain to control your mood, motivation and fear.

Your adrenal glands (triangle-shaped organs at the top of your kidneys) make cortisol. Cortisol plays an important role in a number of things your body does. For example it:

  • Manages how your body uses carbohydrates, fats and proteins
  • Keeps inflammation down
  • Regulates your blood pressure
  • Increases your blood sugar (glucose)
  • Controls your sleep/wake cycle
  • Boosts energy so you can handle stress and restores balance afterward

If you cannot sleep and wake up recovered, then this process can change which will mean your body will release higher levels of the stress hormone at night which can stop you from sleeping. You will then find you might also crave more sugar, want more caffeine and have no energy. This can typically make you gain weight and body fat.

So how do you build muscle?

This is definitely harder as a female. How do we get stronger?  If you are struggling with this check if you are hitting your protein required intake. This is basic but simple and often missed! But remember your body may struggle with super high intake levels so I wouldn’t advise any more than 39 grams in 1 sitting (roughly a 3 egg omelette).

Now you’ve got your protein levels right what next?

It’s the time to apply some Graft! Without the hard work, muscles will not grow, get stronger or appear more toned so you need to push them.

Top tip – don’t be a hero and cut out those carbs. Carbohydrates are needed whether you’re working out or not. They are an essential part of fat burning and as a mother this isn’t a healthy habit to set for my kids. Whilst dropping carbs may initially help drop weight, it is not maintainable and you’re more likely to binge which will lead to higher chance of abdominal fat storage.

So now you’re working out and you’re eating well. Keep grafting! Rome was not built in a day. Things take time, consistency and persistence. Ladies you will not look like men. Lifting heavier will only benefit you and your joints. We are simply not able to build “too much muscle”. However, some of us may find it easier than others! Testosterone our growth hormone is stimulated more with our training, eating and lifestyle patterns and of course our genetic predisposition. I know what workouts work for me and my body so you will get to know yours the more you work out.

Top tips for seeing muscle growth and strength:
  • Take your measurements ✅
  • Measure your muscle mass ✅
  • Log your progress and training ✅
  • Train to be happier, stronger and healthier ✅

Natalie Bhangal is a personal trainer who has a passion for health, fitness and strength training. She trains beginners, athletes, pregnant and postnatal women, those with injuries and injury prone clients. For more information email natalie@graftfitness.co.uk

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