We all seek exercise for many different reasons. A lot of the time to lose a few lbs. We might have a holiday to go on or an event to get in shape for. Whilst that’s all good, it’s not really teaching our bodies about consistency or discipline.

You can be a healthy weight and unhealthy & an unhealthy weight and be healthy (graphic)

You can be a healthy weight and unhealthy and an unhealthy weight but be healthy. This really stood out to me. I think there really needs to be more focus around this. Being skinny is not always healthier.

Make exercise an essential part of your day

We all need to see exercise as an essential part of our day – for our wellbeing, health and happiness.

If you hone in on wanting to lose weight, not only will you get bored and frustrated, you’ll become annoyed when you may not see the results you want on the scales.  And we all know those scales are never a true meaning of ANYTHING!

Ladies, as women we can gain up to 10lbs of water at certain points of the month. This doesn’t mean you are less of a person because your weight has dramatically increased – it’s science and it just happens.

Focus on loving those workouts

Start focusing on loving your workouts. Yes it may seem hard at the beginning, no one ever said it would be easy! But when you start to love your workouts, magic happens! You forget about the scales, you focus on getting better at the workouts and you will start to enjoy the benefits of being fitter and stronger.

Weight is just a figure. As much as we live in a world where BMI is banged on about, focus on these three things:

  • Happiness
  • Health by cleaner eating
  • Exercising consistently and well

Your body will do the rest.

Keep Grafting and eat your vegetables.

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