I started training with Nat online during lockdown 1.0 as I was really struggling to find time and motivation with the gym closed and children off school. I wasn’t sure how effective it could be with me at home with very little equipment available. However, Nat wasn’t at all concerned and managed to whip me into shape in no time with sprints around the garden, body weight strength work and the dreaded ‘stair sessions’ on rainy days!! She also provided me a really flexible homework plan to follow, taking into consideration the limitations of time etc.
Within a few weeks I noticed my fitness had really improved and when the gym reopened (briefly), I found that I could lift much heavier weights than before lockdown! It was so encouraging to see such a difference.
Now restrictions have eased I am able to train with Nat in person which has been great. No session is ever the same and after every block of sessions we have a fitness test to check my progress and re-evaluate my goals.
Natalie is a brilliant trainer and is totally dedicated to her work. She truly cares about her client’s health, fitness and well-being. She will push you to your limits and beyond but with understanding and control. I can’t recommend Natalie enough! Whether you are training online, Group PT or 1-1 in person, you will see amazing results and won’t look back.


Kate has improved her timed mile, 5km,  body stats and is continuing to graft.

Mind, body and loving the process of getting there!


I have always admired Natalie’s fitness advice from doing classes with her at Nuffield Warwick. I always dreamed of those goals ‘ 9 min mile’ ‘ 30 min 5km’ but never really understood how I needed to train to get there.

Natalie was always so in demand that I waited and regularly asked if she had any PT spaces. I had seen the difference it had made for some of my friends who were Grafting with her.

During 2020 I started doing some of the online HIIT sessions and then started PT with Natalie. The difference in my running, strength and general overall fitness improved almost immediately. I achieved and smashed my targets and training all through the pandemic is the one thing that has kept me sane.

I cannot recommend Natalie’s training and nutrition advice highly enough. She works you hard but the benefits definitely outweigh the pain! Her #Graft gifts are a bonus too – looking forward to carrying on Grafting!


After trying various ways to get fit by joining gyms and trying a local running group and always failing, Natalie was recommended to me by a friend. I signed up to her personal one-to-one sessions thinking it was worth a go! It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not only did she get me fitter and stronger but my body shape completely changed. I found that my tennis also improved as I was able to run around the court a lot quicker. I was also able to run 5km in just a few weeks, having not been able to run to the end of the road in our first session!
Natalie is really flexible which meant I could fit sessions around my busy lifestyle. Each session was completely different and included a mix of strength and HIIT. She then gave me a plan on what to do on the other days so I had something to stick to. Natalie would keep in touch with me via text keeping me motivated and supporting me all the time.

I then joined Natalie’s boot camp sessions and group PT sessions, and found I really enjoy exercising with other people too. Since lockdown, these sessions have moved online and are now via Zoom, which haven’t affected how good they are at all! I have also joined her 30 minute HIIT sessions which run twice a week. You never get bored as each session is always different and works all the areas of the body.

Natalie is not only a great personal trainer, she is also a really nice person. I recommend her to everyone I know and wear my Graft hoodie with pride!


Nat is the only PT I have had that has truly listened to what I wanted and needed from our sessions. As someone who has always struggled with disordered eating, body dismorphia and low self-esteem, I was nervous about our first session.

In the time I have worked with Nat, she has never concentrated on my weight or size (in fact she discouraged me from using the scales!) and instead concentrated on how strong and fit am becoming.

As a woman, she understands the effect hormones can have on training sessions. She is empathic, knowledgeable and encouraging and is truly the best personal trainer I have ever had. I am proud of the progress I have made with Nat, as it far outstrips what I have been able to achieve with or without any other PT.


I’ve not really done much exercise since 2018 when I ran the Regency 10k for the 1st time (my first ever!).  I then had a hysterectomy and my exercise went completely out the window.

Skip a few years and I put on lots of weight. I wasn’t feeling good about how I looked and then discovered that I had to go dairy free in 2021. My mum was ill and sadly passed away 6 weeks later. I got stuck into exercise and training for the Regency 10k in my mum’s memory to raise money for Myton Hospice.

I now run regularly with Spa Run Crew 22 (Spa Striders) and take part in Nat’s Graft Group PT sessions. I also did Nat’s Online HIIT and have managed to lose 4 stone since January 2021. I feel so much better in myself, so much healthier and happier. Exercising is helping my mental health so much as well.


I trained with Nat before, during and after my pregnancy. It was really important for me to remain active during my pregnancy and Nat helped me adapt my usual workouts including HIIT and encouraged me to listen to my body. She was one of the few people who understood how important it was to me to keep moving, keep feeling fit and healthy. I was still training with Nat the day before I went into labour and I am sure my active pregnancy contributed to a quicker recovery.

Post baby, we are back working on some new goals and the journey back to fitness has begun. We are focusing on some new strength goals and I feel fit and strong. 6 months after giving birth I am well on my way to being stronger, fitter and faster than I was before.

Nat has been brilliant at providing advice, support and keeping my workouts fun and varied.  Smashing a new PB in between breastfeeding and nappy changing is a good feeling!


Last time I did the 12 mins I walked some of it and asked you to turn it down as I felt sick. What a difference 4 weeks has made!

I’m now moving minutes faster over my timed work, lifting heavier and feeling brilliant.

10 cm off my waist measurement too! Thank you!


I started Nat’s Graft HIIT classes on a Thursday night about 2 years ago. A friend recommended the class to me, I hid at the back and huffed my way through the class. Since then I started her Saturday HIIT class and outdoor bootcamp and group PT. I’ve even attended one of her running clubs.

The first lockdown hit and Nat saved us all by moving all her classes online. I attended them all and still kept up with my running. Nat’s classes are simply the best and I’ve lost the weight I knew I needed to lose, but most of all I’ve gained so much confidence.

And the best part is my mental health has improved massively. I’m stronger and fitter than I’ve ever been. And I’ve lost more weight and gained muscle, something I’ve never had .

Natalie is amazing, so encouraging. Always there to help guide and motivate you. Always on hand for any questions you have about health, fitness and diet. I can’t recommend her classes enough.


I have known Natalie for over 13 years and she has always been motivated, knowledgeable, passionate about health and wellbeing, funny and most important honest.

She has the same struggles with motivation as I do, the same never ending pit of a stomach as I do and loves all the naughty foods as I do. So when you have an honest PT like that you respect them more and listen to their advice.

When you fall off the wagon, so to speak, she is there to pick you right back up. I have huge respect for Nat. She works hard, has a busy family life, busy work life but always has time to pick you back up.

Thank you Nat for all the inspiration you have given me over the years and for never judging me.


Thank you so much for your 30 days structure. Your programme helped me so much pre-wedding. I felt much fitter and healthier than I have in months on the big day!

Highly recommend to anyone needing some structure to their workouts and wellbeing.


It is no coincidence following on from my first online HIIT class with Nat at Graft Fitness in April 2020 that my love for running began. Nat’s HIIT classes not only increased my fitness but gave me the motivation and self belief to get out and run 5k. My speed increased progressively and my stamina improved; with Nat’s unwavering support and encouragement I exceeded both my time and distance goals quickly.

I have since embarked on new challenges including running 100 miles in January 2021 and I have signed up to run my first Half Marathon this July.

Nat’s HIIT and Group PT classes have positively impacted on my fitness but also my lifestyle and mindset too. I wholeheartedly recommend Nat; her personable yet professional approach goes above and beyond in helping you strive to achieve your goals!



I started doing Nat’s group PT sessions earlier this year after wanting to get strength and fitness back after a couple injuries. I soon realised I loved Nat’s teaching approach and positive enthusiasm for fitness. Her classes work your whole body and she offers lots of different variations so suits anyone- while still being fun. I’m still amazed at how much I burn in them! I have now started doing her half hour virtual hiit classes as well and love how I can fit it in easily around life. Around 4 months of Nat’s classes have increased my fitness and definitely made me a stronger runner which I’m hoping will eliminate injury. Thanks so much and highly recommend Nat’s classes.


I started personal training with Graft a year ago and I can honestly say that I am now in the best shape of my life.

Following the pandemic lockdowns, I realised that I had stopped exercising and needed to get back in shape and refocus on my physical and mental health. I started my journey with Graft hoping to regain some of my strength and stamina and got much more than that.

Natalie has been coaching me back to fitness and beyond. She has found the right balance between hard work and self care and helped me develop goals beyond my wildest dreams. I have gone from struggling to run 5km a year ago to running two ultra-marathons this year.

Graft doesn’t stop in the training room, and I have felt supported throughout my journey, with bespoke exercise and running plans as well as nutrition advice that took into account my dietary requirements and friendly support when needed.

If you are looking for a personal trainer with a holistic approach to fitness, health and wellbeing, I would heartily recommend Natalie at Graft Fitness.


My weight has always yoyo’d up and down since going to uni in 2012. I’d have peaks of losing weight too quickly through non-maintainable, overly restrictive diets followed by lows of gaining weight back plus more having fallen back into old habits.

Natalie has been amazing in showing me how to be consistent in my diet, still allowing me to have treats and not be dictated by the number on the scales but rather be lead by how I feel physically and mentally. She’s even showed me that I can enjoy exercise!

If you tried to drag me to the gym a couple years ago I would reluctantly and self-consciously run for 10 minutes before beating myself up for not being able to do more and refusing to go back. Now I tell myself at least I’m there, at least I’m not on the sofa.

Even though I’m not the fittest or fastest person there my exercise anxiety has gone because Nat has helped me see it as something I do for me, and any improvement to where I started is a good thing. Now I actually feel empowered and motivated to workout and I’m no longer focussed on a caloric deficit to loose as much weight as quickly as possible. I’m happy to do it slowly, focussing on my health and strength and changing my lifestyle.

Definitely recommend, thank you Nat!


When lockdown first happened in 2020 the first thing I missed was all of my gym classes. Having been going to the gym for the last 18 months it had been an important part of my life and routine.

Having had my daughter in 2017 all I wanted to do was be the best mother for my daughter. I wanted to be able to climb the climbing frame, do the monkey bars, run with her and generally try to keep up! So when the gyms closed I was lost, Nat was my saviour!

Having weekly PT classes over zoom has not only saved my sanity but I’ve kept a level of fitness I thought I could only achieve by hammering the gym 5 days a week. Nat just knows what I can do and pushes gently rather than making you feel like you can’t achieve your goals if you can’t do this or that.

Now pregnant with my second child I have kept up my personal training sessions, actually increasing to two a week to maintain my level of fitness for when I have two children to run after! I’m looking forward to continuing with Nat and knowing that targeted training is far better than the slap dash gym routine I did have.


I have been grafting with Nat for almost two years with the primary aim of building strength and consolidating my fitness.

As a runner, I had always been prone to injuries but after having weekly PT sessions and following her practical advice, I have managed to avoid major injury, gained muscle and achieved a PB at all distances from 5K through to marathon.


6 weeks ago I started a new fitness and running plan with Natalie.  I was 11 weeks postpartum and all I knew was I wanted to get back some fitness and focus on my 5k ParkRun! I hadn’t run for nearly 10 months as we’d struggled for a few years to get pregnant and I didn’t want to risk anything going wrong once we finally got our little miracle. I did my first postpartum ParkRun in 31.32.

In just 6 weeks I’m now running a 26min 5k so that’s nearly a minute a week off my time since starting with the amazing Nat. I honestly can’t thank her enough for her support and everything she’s done the last 6 weeks! I have a way to go to get close to my pre-baby PBs but the only way is up.

Now onto my next focus…Warwickshire Road Race League, Regency 10k and Great Birmingham Half Marathon – let’s keep the momentum going!


Graft Fitness gets results! I have finished a 6 week course of PT with Graft personal training and nutrition plan. Natalie is really approachable, kind and considerate. She has ways of adapting exercise to meet your requirements.

My dodgy knees put me off exercise but Natalie’s professional knowledge has given me the confidence in my body and I really enjoy my Monday sessions.

I have lost a whopping 10cm from my waist in just six weeks and all my stats have improved. I’m moving faster feeling, stronger and happier. No more silly diets, just grafting for me now! Can’t wait to see what the next 6 weeks hold!








Bespoke and unique one-to-one online or in person training plans designed to maximise your progression, see results and make you #graft even harder.

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A fitter pregnancy equals a happy mum and even happier and healthier baby. My dedicated pre and postnatal fitness packs will help guide and transform your pregnancy.



Whether you want to run a 5km, 10km, half marathon or marathon, or just want to improve, this bespoke 16 week plan will cover strength and cardio to ensure you achieve your target.


Our exclusive range of Graft fitness clothing is designed to be functional and is manufactured using the latest technical fabrics. Once you get them on, you’ll instantly feel part of the #graft movement and be ready to tackle anything, including one of my fitness sessions!

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