It’s been Christmas. We all ate too much, didn’t move as much as we should and maybe now feel stuck in a rut with no motivation. So why not take on a new diet, new training plan and go hard?

We’ve all been there right?  Well, this may be the very reason why you cannot see results.

Our bodies need to move, whether it’s Christmas or not, so one massive factor of your results being sabotaged is inconsistency. Slowing down around December can really set yourself back when it comes to your health, strength and fitness goals. I’ve heard this too many times. Why? 30 minutes daily doesn’t take much. In actual fact we need it more over Christmas because it’s stressful – right?

So, you’ve gone into the new year with a bang, following a plan that requires 110 % of your effort, energy and time – great! However, one week in and you’re ready to blow up mentally and physically. You are trying to cut back on calories, probably too little for what your body needs. You are exhausted and there’s no way you’re going to be able to do that workout because you have nothing left in you! Sound familiar? Another big reason can be that you have gone at it with an unrealistic intensity. 😴 You are not recovering or becoming stronger because you’re not eating right or enough food.

Fed up of not seeing a change?

Or do you get fed up with one plan so you just start another one?  Maybe a run specific plan is something you hate but you’ll try anything to get some results. You don’t enjoy doing it but force yourself to do a week then realise you hate it. You then realise you will never get results with doing something you don’t even like! Again another fail! Remember you will never succeed doing something you hate. Instead find something that you enjoy. When it comes to exercise you need to find something you like – otherwise you will never do well in it 💪💪

Find something you love!

After you realise you really don’t like that run plan or that knee is really hurting you and you must get it seen to. Turns out you’ve done some damage by going in hard? Maybe not doing enough strength? Either way you’ve injured yourself! And now you can’t exercise properly for 12 weeks as you need to recover. If you unfortunately get injured, you’ll then feel pretty sorry for yourself so you might drown yourself in cake, drink alcohol or eat unnecessary calories because you’re bored, frustrated and annoyed that you can’t exercise. This is a main reason why most people can’t lose weight – emotional eating not managed nutrition, with inactivity.

Does this sound familiar?

So here’s what to do when it comes to smashing your goals and seeing results:

  • stay consistent
  • start steady
  • set realistic goals
  • enjoy what you do
  • understand that results require small efforts daily – nothing comes over night

Do not follow a highly restrictive diet. They never last long term. Diets should be always about wellbeing, fuelling, enjoyment and variation.

Keep grafting – persist and enjoy that good nutrition!


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